Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Suai Martial Art fighting

Violence between gangs in the western part of Timor Leste (Suai Jumalai) Claimed the life of a warrior Teki Dias. The unrest has destruct homes of innocent citizens, approximately 130 houses burned by the fire on Monday 15 August 2011.

in the incident not only lives liras puzzle veterans are victims but there is also a life of a PNTL officer now in critical condition. People running around, into the forest and to save themselves .

Until now, there are no security from the security forces like F-FDTL. Kadalak confirmation from the parties asked the government to press through the prime minister immediately dissolve the martial art which in the recent rioting and rampant in this land.

Government takes decisiveness in taking harsh action against the criminals, Not martial arts to defend his people even destroy this country as has happened in the year 1999. car001

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